Media Center Hours
Our media center is currently checking books out to students before and after school and during class visits. We are open Monday-Friday from 7 am to 4 pm.
Students may use the Follett app on their OUSD dashboard account to view books in our library. These books may be reserved on Follett, and picked up from the library.
Another option is to check out e-books using their Overdrive account (SORA). This app is located on their student Dashboard account.
Checkout policy
Two books may be checked out for two weeks. Students are responsible for any lost or damaged books.
Library Media Center Mission
Welcome to Santiago Charter Middle School's Library Media Center. Our mission is to promote information literacy for 21st learning by integrating education and technology. This section was created to provide students with a safe portal to the Internet and its resources. The resources give 24/7 access to instructional tools for a variety of educational endeavors. These resources were found for the students by the library staff, teachers and students in an effort of collaboration and team work to supply students with the most user friendly tools. To make a suggestion, e-mail the SCMS Librarian
Be sure to scroll down for additional library resources for parents and students!
Academic Resource
We would like to inform parents of a great resource for students called Paper. Paper is an academic support tool that your student has access to through the district. This tool provides free individual tutoring for students 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Parents are encouraged to view the free seminar to learn more about the ways Paper supports a student's learning. For more information, please click here.
Books and Accelerated Reader
Hi Santanas!
Scroll down further on this page to view a video on how to place a book on hold from our library.
Click on Destiny Discover to see our latest books!
Overdrive letter to parents
OverDrive | Help
SORA for Overdrive
This searchable database allows students to search for books by title, author or topic. Information includes a summary of the book, grade level, AR points, and more!